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The prophecy and the story behind the Big painting



1. In January of 2010, in a meditation circle I ran in my home, I repeatedly for several weeks kept seeing a vision of what appeared to be an historical square. Where it was, I had no idea. Later in March of the same year, a friend who came from Slovakia returned from his former home and passed me a small tourist book. Then I saw exactly the historical square, I'd previously seen. In June, I set off to travel to a holy site called Medjugorje in Bosnia and then last to Banská Bystrica in Slovakia. This was a predestined journey, where I was to receive the biggest prophecy to fulfil an enormous undertaking.


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2. On Saturday afternoon in Banska Bystrica's historical square on July 10th, of 2010, I sat drinking an ice cold beer under a large umbrella in one hundred degrees fahrenheit of intense heat. This was exactly the scene, I had seen of myself, sitting at such a table in this vision earlier in the year. I could even see the leaning clock tower at the far end of the square, which I had previously told friends I'd seen.  This was a surreal scene I was sitting in, then to see and hear a prophecy  that defied all logic. The events of this day and more, can be found in a book I wrote following this journey, called Divine Intervention at 5 to Midnight.


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3. I began to paint the prophecy I'd been given in Banska Bytrica's historical square in early August of 2011. The painting was over four metres in height and six metres long. It was built on a large heavy wooden frame attached to a set of wheels, and it took four of us to push into the square. I had been given permission by the authorities a month before. They believed in me, and my incredible story. The power of spiritual energy that consumes me, chose the very first image to paint of a four year old Palestinian boy. Also at the beginning of that day I felt the humble, but loving presence of Pope John Paul II, standing by my side.



4. After a couple of days of pushing the painting into the square, we decided to set this large canvas up in a beautiful court yard belonging to the authorities. I had began to paint on a high tower scaffold on wheels, and I was fortunate to have beautiful sunny weather for the following two months. I felt, I was actually being instructed by the spirituals powers what child and where they would be placed. It was never disclosed then, how many children I would paint, or what would happen if it rained with colder weather to come.


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5. In mid October 2011, I was still in the courtyard, and now the weather had changed. High on the scaffold under a flimsy plastic sheet and freezing cold, I had no plan B. Providence though I believed was always with me from day one. I thought I've been given to paint many children, but no one could see what I was doing. Yes, I had to pray for help, as there was no going back home, I was determined to win this battle.


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6. Yes, my prayers were answered by a famous artist, I met in 1972, Vladimir Tretchikoff. An incredible story to tell, its all in my book called "The Message," Yes, Vladimir had passed over to the spirit world, but I can assure you I was having help from him and many other past artists. By fate and providence and of course Vladimir, I finished up in the best possible place in Banska Bystrica, a large shopping Mall called the Europa. Here hundreds of university students passed me every day, as it is a university town. Young people, children from every age including adults wanted to be in the painting. I was there for over two and a half years, with incredible stories to tell.


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7. One day in 2012, I was staying in a small village not far from Banska Bystrica. In the winter there was heavy snow and one day I saw a lady in her sixties struggling with the snow. I also saw she was in pain with her knee. I offered to move the snow with my colleagues and to give her spiritual healing. After a few visits she wanted a young friend to have healing. She said she had cancer and the hospital could help her no more. On the first day of giving healing, I knew the spiritual healing was coming through Pope John Paul. Six weeks later, the young woman disclosed that she had visited the hospital and they had told her, she no longer needed any more treatment. I said John Paul was with me from the first day. The painting, I later created of John Paul, proved in my mind, that a miracle had occured and later another followed.


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8. In the Europa Shopping Centre, it seemed to be the cross roads for all nationalities, where my painting was placed. Before I had permission, I predicted exactly where it would be placed, and I had never been in there before. The shopping centre manager said "Yes"  without asking what I had painted. Later his secretary said, "He believed in you." One day a physicist said, the painting was worth more money than the shopping centre. I asked "Why?" He said, "I can read your encoded message for peace. This is a new way of thinking for peace between Palestine and Israel." Many symbols are placed in this painting by a power above.


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9. Seeing so many disturbing images of children from around the world, motivated me to use my gift of painting, to try and help disadvantaged children. Fate or Providence in 2012 brought four women together who had been inspired by the painting to help me create a charity for such children I've just described. Within a few months the charity Kompas was created. This was more than a prophecy declaring this painting will bring peace between Palestine and Israel. I believe it will bring love and help to children around the world, before I pass to the next life.


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10. While painting this prophecy in the Europa Shopping Mall in 2013, many people came and prayed in front of it. Many came believing, they could find answers for their problems. One day a passing Nun wearing a habit of blue belonging to the Sisters of Mary was startled saying, she saw Jesus in the painting. Many people would say, they could feel an immense energy pouring from the painting. One little blonde haired boy passing through each time, would sit and watch me paint with his toy lorry. He inspired me to include him in a scene, I was told to paint, showing four children of the world. The title to this painting was called Children are our Future. 


Finished big painting ( 6 x 4 m) called


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