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  • Writer's pictureAlan J Porter

"Coincident or an inevitability?"

Sunday, May 31st

5.20 pm. This last week in the U.K. has experienced a mini heatwave and as a consequence, the sun is a magnet for most people to go out and perhaps believe such energy provides a much-needed vitamin D to your body. As usual at 7.00 am on a Saturday I post a letter to my youngest daughter and pass through my local park not seeing a human being or dog. When it’s winter and there are no leaves on the trees in front of my home and I can see areas of the local park. Today there are leaves on my trees and I cannot see the park but I can hear large numbers of people enjoying the sunshine. This situation besides seeing thousands on TV on certain beaches in the U.K. shows whatever lockdown rules applied are no longer adhered to. A question only an hour ago at the daily briefing of the Coronavirus was put to a government minister saying, “What will be done if rules are broken on this scale”. His answer was one of reverting back to having a further lockdown. It is said when the genie gets out of the bottle you cannot put it back. We are at this place now in the U.K. although the majority of scientists agree, we are at a critical stage when this word spike is again used, meaning the virus could be extended again when great numbers of people come together. We have no big test and trace in position as only a few days ago we started in a small way. New rules begin tomorrow in the U.K. giving many people the feeling more shops will open and more people will return to work so normality is returning. I’ve asked this question before, what is normality or being normal. It’s a million different things to a million different people. Thousands commute daily by train, tube, bus and by car, but the government is saying only 15 percent of normal travellers will be allowed on such transport, because of being so close to one another. Trains will be uneconomical to run, costing millions to provide travel for this minority. No answers to this conundrum, other than asking Alice in wonderland. It’s been clear from day one the amount of money the U.K. have generously given to the workforce which has not been bettered by any other country, but foresight has shown this is not a short journey.

News is made as though this was not expected, that when firms or any business restart business transactions will not be made as before, meaning any employer will not need the same numbers of employees. Consequently, thousands more unemployed will naturally appear. I’m saying the inevitable is a series of consequences that should be for-seen and plans should have made in a far different way than they have. What could have been an alternative? The answer, something I suggest that would not have been popular. We are already seeing people losing businesses, and their lively hoods, and for some their careers that won’t return in the same way. From the moment this virus outbreak occurred we should have been on a war footing in my opinion. We are trying to save lives from this virus and saving the way life has been. If you were working from home and in essential jobs or companies that were still trading this would not apply. Mortgages, debt loans, rents, water, gas, and electric bills though would have been put on hold for everyone, and families and individuals would have had a certain amount of money allocated for food. You would have a rationed food voucher. Everyone would be available for jobs in their area to help with any crisis and new temporary jobs would have been created, no sitting at home doing nothing. If you had a certain wealth of savings or income you would not have been helped. In other words just like when our parents or grandparents faced war in 1939 we had to adapt to the hardships and circumstances that prevailed. This is a battle we have to win. When we hear of worrying statements from the new governor to the Bank of England saying we are in unprecedented times and we are in a serious situation, what vibration does this send out? I could go into a long list of immediate things that we have not done, but we are where we are in the U.K. as I touched on in the previous message blog called Like Alice in Wonderland times.

I’ve spoken of the word INEVITABILITY already, as I have mentioned also in my last blog the name of the poor African American George Floyd who was barbarically killed by racist and xenophobic police in Minneapolis. We have the inevitability now happening of what we see on our TV. The reaction of many people in the U.S.A. who are now chanting and displaying George Floyd’s last words, ”I CAN’T BREATHE” A fire of anger has now been lit with the consequences of four hundred years in how the African American has been treated. In 2020 the same attitude still exists in many parts of America and patience has run out. Over thirty cities are seeing cars or businesses burning, with many cities having a nightly curfew, but many being ignored. On top of this crisis in the U.S.A., a virus pandemic, businesses collapsing, and 25 percent unemployment. IS IT A COINCIDENT OR AN INEVITABILITY? In the U.K. arable farmers are facing a financial hit because of a lack of rain that has inevitable consequences which will affect food prices later. Every action and thought has consequences if the right thing is not done.

If anyone has watched on Netflix the story of Jeffrey Epstein, it shows that if you have enormous sums of money you can pervert a country's justice system, especially if leading figures are involved. It shows our Prince Andrew had incriminated himself and shown the world he can lie. It shows that former President Clinton can show the same attributes and contradict factual evidence. It shows of other leading influential figures who can be hidden instead of being prosecuted. Corruption, pandemics, disasters, unwanted wars have been there throughout history, but never in history have we seen news reported instantly showing the realities we live in on our TV screen. For the millennium generation who watch these scenes do they accept the status quo? Patient and learned they are, but questions they will ask and answers they want to hear. I also mentioned in my last message blog about President Trump giving the green light to Benjamin Netanyahu to grab further land of the Palestinians, then providence stepped through his son-in-law Jared Kushner telling Israel this could not go ahead until new Israeli elections in March of 2021. The question I pose is President Trump going to win his next election with events and decisions he now has to make. My message has been for years, TIME FOR CHANGE, I have to believe we are now seeing such circumstances prevail. I’ve mentioned before all of my messages I’m given, show a far better future for everyone, but just like a property that has been in the same place for years it inevitably has to be rebuilt and rebuilt in a far better way. One good outcome from the virus in the U.K. which has occurred today as it was announced those that sleep on our streets and are called rough sleepers are in the coming year going to be provided with 6,000 homes and money to help them back into life. New ideas will evolve, dreams can be built to help everyone, but as I’ve mentioned it’s not going to be an easy road, but we should all know life is not easy. It’s ironic in 1921 on May 31st a racist incident occurred in Tulsa Oklahoma when many lives were lost, properties burned because of the same thoughts and racist attitudes that still exist today with certain people in America. I keep using that word inevitability. It would not exist or even breathe if we had imaginative ideas and visionaries who could see the consequences before it occurs. Vision and anticipation with the senses we all process, and use each day with the many decisions and actions we each make, shows that all man-made problems can be controlled and overcome, but we have to make in my opinion a new direction.

Five minutes before I wrote this message blog, I read of a trio of penguins who were given a private tour of a big art gallery in Kansas City last week. The CEO of the Zoo said the animals were missing human company, and that he hoped that allowing these penguins to wander through the museum and empty galleries he believed it would enrich and stimulate them. They turned out to be discerning visitors. They seemed to react much better to Caravaggio's paintings than Monet. What does this say to me? It will validate a previous prediction I was given many years ago that abstract and contemporary art will become worthless because the human soul reacts far better to pure beauty. This trio of penguins exemplifies that their souls too are touched by a higher form of beauty and art.

One of Caravaggio's paintings called Bakchus

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